Buy Vishudh Women Burgundy Printed A-Line Kurta from Myntra & ship worldwide

Vishudh Women Burgundy Printed A-Line Kurta

See how ShoppRe’s Personal Shopper Assistant can help you with your Purchase of Vishudh Women Burgundy Printed A-Line Straight Kurta from Myntra Online Store

What was the customer looking to buy and which country did he want to ship to?

A customer from Australia wanted to buy Printed A-Line Straight Kurta Online and an embellished half-moon clutch from Myntra Online Shopping. The Kurta is a Burgundy-printed A-line type offered by Vishudh Clothing. Match it with Palazzo and trouser options available at Myntra.

Also, the product comes with an offer of buy 2 at ₹998. As Myntra doesn’t support purchasing outside India, she used ShoppRe’s personal shopper to get assistance for the purchase. Learn more about the purchase and international shipping on the upcoming.

Challenges faced by customers when shopping on Myntra?
– See details of Myntra International Delivery from India

How did ShoppRe help Purchasing from Myntra?
– Shopping Assistant Personal Shopper
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What are the charges?

For your Myntra Online Shopping, if you opt for Personal Shopper Assisted Purchase, a minimum fee of 7% or ₹200 ( whichever is higher ) is applicable as a service fee. Find the details of this order as below:

Total Item Cost₹1470
Personal Shopper Fee(7%) ₹200
Payment GateCredit/Debit Card
Payment Gateway Charges(3%)₹50.10
Total Cost of the Order₹1720.10

Is this Purchase order inclusive of the shipping cost?

No, the shipment costs are separate and the shipment details can be read here. Check for the Shipping Rates here.