Buy Hypernation Men Straight Kurta from Myntra, India & Ship worldwide

Hypernation Men Straight Kurta from Myntra

See how ShoppRe’s Personal Shopper Assistant can help you with your Purchase of Hypernation Men Straight Kurta from

What was the customer looking to buy and which country did he want to ship to?

A customer from USA wanted to buy shirts on Myntra Mens Shirts Sale. The customer shopped from three different top Mens shirts bands Hypernation, Zotw Kurta & WESTCLO Shirt from Myntra which were marked with 70% discounts. However, there aren’t many clothing websites that accept international credit cards. Hence, the customer sought ShoppRe’s personal shopper assisted purchase. As per the customer requests, the order has been shopped & shipped within a week to the customer. For all your international shopping queries, avail personal shopper at your residence.

Challenges faced by customers when shopping on Myntra?
– See details of Myntra International Shipping from India

How did ShoppRe help Purchasing from Myntra?
– Shopping Assistant Personal Shopper
Create a Personal Shopper order now
Read Personal Shopper Terms and Conditions

What are the charges?

For your Myntra Online Shopping, if you opt for Personal Shopper Assisted Purchase, a minimum fee of 7% or ₹200 ( whichever is higher ) is applicable as a service fee. Find the details of this order as below:

Total Item Cost₹2745
Personal Shopper Fee(7%) ₹200
Payment GatePaypal
Payment Gateway Charges(10%)₹294.50
Total Cost of the Order₹3239.50

Is this Purchase order inclusive of the shipping cost?

No, the shipment costs are separate and the shipment details can be read here. Check for the Shipping Rates here.