Buy Just Style UV Protection Aviator Sunglasses from Flipkart India, and ship to your doorstep ANYWHERE in the world!

Red Mandarin Neck Solid Kurta in India

See how ShoppRe’s Personal Shopper Assistant can help you with purchase of Just Style UV Protection Aviator Sunglasses from Flipkart India.

What was the customer looking to buy and which country did he want to ship to?

A customer from Seychelles wanted to purchase Full UV protection glasses online on Flipkart India. Customer chose ShoppRe Assisted Purchase and ordered Just Style UV Protection Aviator Sunglasses (48) Clear.

Below are the Item List Purchased by Customer

SL No.Item NameItem Cost
1UV Protection Aviator Sunglasses₹118
2Maxima O-46670LMLI Analog Watch₹807
3Fogg 4054-PK Pink Day and Date Analog Watch₹331
4Shaurya-F Women Solid Pencil Red Skirt₹629
5SHOFIEE Women Beige Heels Sandal₹399
6DUFFEL Trolley Small Travel Bag 22 Inches₹526
What are the charges?

For your Flipkart Shopping, if you opt for Personal Shopper Assisted Purchase, a minimum fee of 7% or ₹200 ( whichever is higher ) is applicable as a service fee. Find the details of this order as below:

Total Items6
Total Item Cost₹2810
Personal Shopper Fee (7%) ₹200
Payment GatePayPal
Payment Gateway Charges (10%)₹301
Total Cost of the Order₹3010

Coupon Used for the Customer: No

Order Placed: 7th FEB 2020, 11:48 AM IST

Order Received: 1st MAR 2020, 11:33 AM IST

No: of days taken to receive all the items to ShoppRe Warehouse: 4 Days

Other challenges/Comments: No

Is this Purchase order inclusive of the shipping charges?

No, the shipment costs are separate and the shipment details can be read here. Check for the Shipping Rates here.

Challenges faced by customers when shopping on Flipkart?

– See details of Flipkart International Delivery from India

How did ShoppRe help with buying UV protection sunglasses online from Flipkart India?

– Shopping Assistant Personal Shopper
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